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We provide access to exceptional pediatric care based on medical need, not a family’s ability to pay.


Hospital Treatment

For those children in BC and Yukon requiring specialized procedures (see note 1 below) transportation, accommodation, and all associated medical treatment—including follow-up—are provided at Shriners Hospitals for Children. Depending on a child’s diagnosis, care could be provided at any one of the Shriners Hospitals; however, the majority of children in BC and Yukon are treated at hospitals in Portland, Spokane, and Montreal.

A physician’s referral is not necessary; however, cases are reviewed by Shriners Hospitals’ doctors to determine the best course of treatment. All appointments are prioritized on the basis of medical need.

For further information on our transportation system, please call (604) 291-7707 (ext 129) or e-mail

Shriners Hospitals specialize in neuromusculoskeletal conditions (ie, Scoliosis, Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Osteogenesis Imperfecta—“Brittle Bone Disease”); cleft lip and palate; burn injuries.



Gizeh Shriners provide FREE transportation to and from our Shrine Hospitals.


To book or confirm your trip email or call:
TOLL FREE: 1-800-661-KIDS
VANCOUVER: 604-291-7707


Cowichan Valley Shrine Club #27

119 1751 Northgate Rd

Cobble Hill, BC V8H 0A5


Phone: 250-744-8794 (Secretary)

© 2014 Cowichan Valley Shrine Club 27

    2014 Red Fox Creative Studio

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